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Interviews with experts address topics that offer advice on how to obtain a restraining order, what to do if you are pregnant and in an abusive relationship, and how to help your teen who is experiencing dating violence

In 2009, Laura’s House set out to create a series of Podcasts that would offer exclusive and informative content for individuals and families seeking information on the trends and issues surrounding domestic violence. Laura’s House currently offers a library of nearly two dozen Podcasts on a variety of topics related to family violence, teen dating violence, elder abuse, legislation surrounding domestic violence, and trends reported by national groups tracking the impact of domestic violence on society.

The Laura’s House Podcast series is available at To view the Podcast series, click here. Podcasts can also be obtained via the iTunes store.

Since the Laura’s House Podcast Series was initially launched, some of our most popular topics have been “The Effects of Domestic Violence on Children,” “Healthcare Reform and Domestic Violence,” “Love and Domestic Violence,” “Domestic Violence in the Workplace,” “Pregnancy and Domestic Violence,” and “Texting and Teen Dating Violence.” Each of these topics has received more than 200 downloads from visitors to our Podcast feed at Laura’s House also continues to remain in the Top 10 Podcasts on Podomatic under the category of “Non-Profit” organizations.

We hope that you will join hundreds of other individuals who are using the Laura’s House Podcast series as a source for information for trends and issues related to domestic violence. Logon today at to learn more!

About Laura’s House Over the past eighteen years, Laura’s House has provided residential shelter and support services to nearly 3,500 families, and counseling, life skills education and legal assistance to over 40,000 individuals. The mission of Laura’s House is to change the social beliefs, attitudes and the behaviors that perpetuate domestic violence while creating a safe space in which to empower individuals and families affected by abuse.

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