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This last year alone, incidents of domestic violence have risen an astounding 25% in the number of women and over 60% in the number of children in Orange County seeking to end violence in their home lives. The new Emergency Shelter and Transitional Housing program will enable Laura’s House to expand services to victims of domestic violence, while continuing to provide life changing emergency services, therapy, legal advocacy and education in a safer, more comfortable environment. The expansion of our Emergency Shelter will allow Laura’s House to serve 175 more clients per year, increasing program capacity by 93% and 15% overall, in Orange County.

In January 2011, Laura’s House broke ground on our new Emergency Shelter. In March 2011, Laura’s House in partnership with HomeAid Orange County celebrated this milestone with our public Groundbreaking Ceremony at our upscale, resale store Portobello Road in Lake Forest. Many friends, donors, staff, volunteers, Board Members and our building partners joined us as we marked this very historic occasion.

We continue to fundraise to reach our $4.5 million goal with the help of many generous donors and friends like you. For more information on donation opportunities please contact the Development office at 949-361-3775. Learn more about the Cornerstone Capital Campaign here