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Chili’s proudly supports Laura’s House and Miss Laguna Hills Teen OC, Morgan Berschauer, for Miss Teen OC!

This month, Miss Laguna Hills Teen OC, Morgan Berschauer, is raising funds for Laura's House as part of the August 6, Miss Teen Orange County Regional Pageant. Please help her, and support Laura's House by dining at Chili's in Mission Viejo today, Wednesday, or next Monday and Wednesday. Bring in the attached flyer, and 15% of your check will go to Laura's House!

Laura’s House Nights are 11am until 10pm on the following days:

Monday July 11th Wednesday July 13th Monday July 18th Wednesday July 20th

Only at: Chili’s Mission Viejo 27407 Bellogente MV, CA 949-364-2207

We look forward to seeing you here. Pepper in Some Fun!