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Pictured above: Wayne & Karen Pinnell

A remaining $700,000 is needed to complete the $4.5 million fundraising goal; donations will be used to fund the expansion of the Transitional Housing Program

LADERA RANCH, Calif., Feb. 15, 2012Laura’s House today announced that it has initiated the public phase of the $4.5 million Cornerstone Capital Campaign, which was launched in September 2010 to fund the re-build of its emergency shelter for families who are fleeing violent homes and need safe and secure housing, and the expansion of the Laura’s House Step Ahead transitional housing program for shelter graduates who are in need temporary housing while they rebuild lives that are free of violence.

“Without a viable option for long-term housing, women and children who are fleeing violent homes are often forced into homelessness, or must return to their abusers,” said Amy Borst, Clinical Director, Laura’s House. “Housing is essential for obtaining and maintaining employment, child custody and family stability. With the purchase of a separate facility to house our Step Ahead transitional program, we can now expand this program to provide a greater continuum of care for our shelter graduates and their children, which will in turn improve their chances of success as they rebuild their lives.”

Recent data points to the critical need for transitional housing facilities for survivors of domestic violence and their families:

  • A 2003 survey of 100 U.S. homeless mothers found nearly one in five reported being afraid of a partner and the same number reported being threatened by a partner. One in four U.S. homeless mothers reported being kicked, pushed, shoved or otherwise hurt by someone in the past year.
  • In a 2007 report by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, 39 percent of the city leaders who were surveyed identified domestic violence as a primary cause of homelessness among households with children. Family disputes were also cited as a cause of homelessness in 17 percent of the cities surveyed.
  • A 2000 report by the National Center on Poverty Law found that victims and survivors of domestic violence have trouble finding apartments because they may have poor credit, rental, and employment histories as a result of their abuse.

To date, Laura’s House has raised just over $3.8 million as part of the Cornerstone Capital Campaign. During the public phase of the campaign, Laura’s House hopes to raise the remaining monies to fund the purchase and renovation of the Laura’s House Step Ahead transitional housing facility.

On Thursday, February 15, Laura’s House will celebrate the launch of the public phase of the Cornerstone Capital Campaign during a private reception to be held at the Step Ahead transitional housing facility. The reception will honor donors who have contributed to the Laura’s House Cornerstone Campaign. During the event, Laura’s House will also unveil public naming opportunities, which start at $100 for painted wall tiles and pavers featuring a personal message of inspiration that will be incorporated into the new landscape at the facility. Other naming opportunities include pots and planters for the garden; trellis features that will provide the multi-dwelling complex with peace and privacy; and, a fountain water feature that will bring calm and tranquility to the entrance.

“Laura’s House is grateful to the individuals and businesses who have generously donated their time and resources to help us reach our fundraising goals, and realize our long-held dream of a newer, larger and more modern emergency shelter and transitional housing program,” said Margaret Bayston, Executive Director and CEO, Laura’s House. “Through the emergency shelter rebuild project, and now the purchase and renovation of the transitional housing facility, our donors are making it possible for our clients to live in an environment where they can rest peacefully and receive the counseling and therapeutic services they need to build lives that are free of violence.”

About the Cornerstone Capital Campaign The Laura’s House Cornerstone Capital Campaign was officially launched in September 2010 to raise $4.5 million to fund the shelter re-build project and expansion of transitional housing for shelter graduates. The campaign committee is chaired by Wayne Pinnell, who most recently served as the chair for Laura’s House board of directors. Campaign committee members include Chris Aitken, Jennifer Boyer, Laverne Friedmann, Randy Harmat, Wayne Pinnell, Kurt Ross, Casey Wolin and Brenda Zalke. The capital campaign has the full support of the Laura’s House Board of Directors. Honorary chairs of the Cornerstone Campaign are Bette and Wylie Aitken.

More information on the Cornerstone Campaign can be found at or by calling (949) 361-3775.

About Laura’s House Over the past eighteen years, Laura’s House has provided shelter and support services to nearly 3,500 battered women and children, and counseling, life skills education and legal assistance to over 40,000 individuals. The mission of Laura’s House is to change the social beliefs, attitudes and the behaviors that perpetuate domestic violence while creating a safe space in which to empower individuals and families affected by abuse. More information on the programs and services offered by Laura’s House is available at

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