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Discounts are available on exclusive holiday merchandise, and for every purchase Laura’s House will receive 30-50% of Patchwork Road’s profits

The holiday season is just around the corner, and now is a great time to start shopping!

This year, Laura’s House is thrilled to announce a new partnership with Patchwork Road, an Orange County company that has set out to help nonprofit organizations like ours share our story and mission in a bigger way, through its “Meaningful Marketplace” for the holidays!

The “Meaningful Marketplace” currently features Patchwork Road’s Holiday Silhouette collection! These original, limited edition and exclusive products are only available through October 15 so be sure to snag them while you still can by visiting the Laura’s House store at

When you purchase items from the Holiday Silhouette Collection, you will receive a discount of up to 60% off the retail price. You will also be helping Laura’s House receive 30-50% of their profit when you check out! All proceeds from our partnership with Patchwork Road will be used to fund the programs and services we offer through our Emergency Shelter and Counseling and Resource Center.

Also, don’t forget to help us spread the word about Laura’s House and our mission by sharing this link with your friends! And, if you don’t already, be sure to “like” Patchwork Road on Facebook at and tweet with them at

Again, the original, limited edition and exclusive Holiday Silhouette Collection is only available through October 15, so logon today to take advantage of this special offer, and help Laura’s House fulfill its mission to “end the silence” of domestic violence!