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    The inception of Laura's House was inspired by a true story about a woman called Laura from Orange County who was a victim of domestic violence.

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    It takes dedicated and experienced staff, outstanding support programs and time. Without intervention and education programs, victims of domestic violence...

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    Through the generosity of many people just like you, Laura's House is able to provide services to hundreds of mothers and their children who have come to...

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In The News


Read more about Laura’s House at the forefront of advocacy efforts nationally

The Voice of Domestic Violence - Spring 2021 Edition

Download as a PDF here ...

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2020 Charitable Giving and the CARES Act

Year-end charitable giving has the potential to be a life-saving donation to nonprofit...

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Prevention & Education

We feel strongly that through outreach and education efforts we can continue to provide resources and inform our community about the services we provide. We offer various forms of education and see over 25,000 community members per year.

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